Frog-mouth helm (or Stechhelm)
Bascinet from the 14th and 15th century
Sallet in the Shape of a Lion's Head, c. 1475-1480
Bird Man Helmet from the early 16th century
The Horned Helmet, Innsbruck, Austria, 1511-1514
Closed helmet with mask visor, by Kolman Helmschmid in Augsburg, Germany, c. 1515
Grotesque ones from the early 16th century
These early 16th century German plate armours were first made for the Emperor Maximilian I.
Burgonet of Guidobaldo II della Rovere, Duke of Urbino, Milan, c. 1532-35
The ceremonial and parade helmets of Charles V
Desiderius Helmschmid, c. 1540
A German or Italian Savoyard Helmet, c. 1620-1630
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